GMAT Strategy: Live to fight another question

by 11:09 0 comments

The hard lessons are always the ones you remember the longest. For me that lesson was related to questions that my ego just wouldn't let me quit!

Its the smart thing to do, to just guess a question and move on to another one. But, quitting is so against the nature of most "competitive" people that leaving a question becomes "out of the question".

Believe me, I've been there and done that! Its not worth it. The big picture is that GMAT is just a stepping stone towards your ultimate career goal and the higher you score, the  sooner you will be able to forget about the GMAT and focus on other more important tasks such as, visiting schools, talking to current students, and making your applications stand out!

So, here's a simple rule of thumb:

"If you don't have a clue about how to solve a question or if you have a partial clue, guess and move on! If you know how to solve a question or get to the answer but it has been more than 2 minutes since you started solving the question, guess and move on!"

Frankly, the sooner you quit, the more time you will have for other questions that you CAN and  WILL get right! So, forget about the old saying! On the GMAT, the new quote is, "Quit and move on!"

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