Admissions Special: Do this if you're serious about applying to B-school

by 08:25 0 comments

Are you really serious about applying to B-school?

"Of course, we are!"

Well, lets say that you work on your essays for months. You make sure your recommenders remember all those awesome things you did. You scored that coveted GMAT score by sheer hard work. Everything seems to be going well. You fill up the application form and then upload all the relevant documents.

You review your application form page by page. Everything seems fine. Of course, just to remember how hard you worked you download the pdf file just before submitting. And then, you click submit. Make the payment. And sit back and wait.

Then, you forget about the school. Its been a few weeks and you haven't heard from the school. You remember the PDF that you had saved before submitting the application. Maybe something went amiss. So, you open your complete application form and to your horror, you have made some really bad mistakes on the application form.

You're a male and you've marked yourself as female!
You got the names of many of your awards, accomplishments and other things wrong!
A few relevant dates are out of sync with your resume or reality.
The textboxes within the application form that are nothing short of mini-essays have terrible mistakes in them.

Of course, you can contact the admissions committee and tell them about all of that. In most cases, they will figure out discrepancies themselves. And when they do, they won't think you tried to cheat them, but they WILL see that you did not even review your application form! And then they will ask themselves, "Is this person serious about applying to our school?"

And that is the one question that you don't want them to ask.

Long story short, review your application forms wholistically. PDFs can be generated at any time, and you can review as many times as needed. In fact, try reviewing your app within 15 minutes and find friends/family members who would do it for you too. Weed out any possible mistakes, so that you give yourself the most chance of getting in.


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