How to Execute your Study plan and Get Results

by 10:03 0 comments

So, you made that perfect study plan, now what?

Maybe you researched various study plans, read the post written by me on the essential elements of a perfect study plan, and finally created one. Great job! But, a plan is only as useful as you make it. How you execute it is also essential.

Here are a few things you should keep in mind:

1. Build your Momentum

Execute your plan in such a way that things gain pace with time. For example, you could reduce the time between certain practice sessions. You could reduce the gap between your practice tests. You could also gradually increase the time you spend on analyzing your answers and increase your activity on forums such as BTG. The more good questions you ask the better.

2. Efficiency, Effectiveness and Focus - ask the right questions

The most important questions you need to ask yourself are:

a. Is there a better way? Can I get to the solution faster somehow?

b. What am I not looking at?

Those two questions together will make your practices more efficient and effective. And they will help you create that laser beam focus that is essential for success on the GMAT.

3. Planned breaks and Discipline

The GMAT is not about working yourself to the ground, even though that's the theory a lot people ascribe to. Rest is the most important part of your "arsenal". Even the best of us are reminded about it when we have to go to sleep. I hate going to sleep but we just have to sleep even if it is just for a few hours.

The same way your preparation needs to have planned breaks. Plan for a break one day before a practice test. This rule of course does not apply to the last couple of weeks. But, it is still the most important. Take longer planned breaks to let your mind rekindle the creative fires and become refreshed.

Wouldn't taking time off break the momentum? 

No. The momentum and the pace are still there. But, you need to focus on friends, family, entertainment, vacations, etc. too. When you pick up your preparation after a few days, you'll not start at rock bottom in terms of skills, knowledge and momentum. It may take a day to get back into "GMAT Mode", but you won't lose or forget anything.

Also, discipline is a matter of habit. IF you can't live without eating food at certain times of the day or without working out, chances are that you've become habitual and can't really do without completing these activities.You need to do the same thing with your preparation. Practice 15 questions a day and analyze them. Analyze those 15 questions without fail. It doesn't matter if the Superbowl is on, or if a meteor is headed towards the earth or if E! is reporting another Kardashian scandal. Please, just feed your mind GMAT before anything else.

If you're a morning person, don't practice in the evenings. If you're an evening/night person, don't practice in the mornings. Stick to your plan and complete your milestones. Then, reward yourself in anyway you want.

So those are the 3 essential steps that will help you execute your plan.

What about Psychology? 

Well, psychology is something that can be modified and worked on. You will have to work on Psychology continuously. For example, while taking practice tests, you'll need to be aware not to think about the last question. You have to keep yourself from focusing on anything other than the question in front of you. Don't even think how well or badly you are doing.

We will focus on psychology later. For now, please benefit from the above 3 points and make the test makers hand over that coveted 700+ score.


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